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20190411_132114 (1).jpg

Reagan Flag Project

Title: Break through
Artist: Youssef Saleh

Compare and Contrast


  • The flower has the same contrast as the real blue velvet flower

  • The colors reflect the real Reagan and IB colors 

  • The flower has a similar concept to school and Reagan as it represents growth


  • The Real MPS logo has words on it and my flag includes no letters for aesthetic reasons

  • The real velvet flower would have a stem and other parts that I deemed unnecessary 

  • My piece never includes any of the rules and regulations of MPS and IB and just flows of metaphorical meanings



For this project, my task was to make a flag representing Reagan as a school. I wanted to make something deeper than just what represents Reagan itself, but its students as well. Many Reagan students are immigrants and had to struggle a lot to get where they are. They had to push through those hardships to grow. The color black is not only one of Reagan's three main colors but also represents concrete, and the flower is a blue velvet, a Wisconsin flower. It is the one that broke through, just as many of our students had to break through.


To begin this project I started off by thinking about what I've personally noticed of the student body in general. I needed something broad that could envelop the school and the people of the school and symbolize our culture. I also did some research about Milwaukee and Wisconsin and that is where the Blue Velvet flower comes in representing our state culture. This concept of the flower and the concrete was inspired by an endorsement by Derrick rose for Powerade.  I liked the concept of everybody having their own individual hardships and struggles and having to break through their own concrete, and that commercial was the absolute first thing that came to my mind when I began to think of an idea for this project. The three circles represent IB, Reagan and MPS. They are leading upwards showing that they are checkpoints to a student's path towards success. I ensured to make the diagonal stripe pointing towards the top right corner because that is a symbol of moving forward and growth.

Process, Ideas, and Intentions

     Overall this project sharpened my mounting skills and allowed me to improve on my craftsmanship. My coloring skills were weak before starting this project and have improved after. I can now better fill in an area in a single shade, allowing it to look more professional as if it was printed. I could however improve on my craftsmanship, as some parts of the piece have white spaces especially around the borders. The borders of the circles could have been traced better and the corners of the flag especially towards the bottom could have been drawn out better. The shading of the flower was well done and did well to show the flowers realistic features as it contrasts from the white and yellow core into the velvet tips. There is a smudge of glue on the first yellow circle which happened when the sheet was being spread onto the border and being mounted. The blue of the bottom half of the diagonal was there to represent Reagan's blue, but it isn't the best contrast with the black of the top half. I originally planned on making the bottom white, but I decided not to because that didn't do enough to represent Reagan and it's colors. I had to keep the top half black so the piece doesn't lose its meaning and the concrete doesn't get confused for something else large and blue such as the ocean. 

     The concept of this project was very different from my classmates ideas. When it comes to art the biggest sin I'll never be caught doing is sticking to a crowd. It is already enough that I am working on inspirations from other artists, but making art that everyone around me is doing will never be something I do intentionally unless its ironic. Many of my critiques who were also my classmates thought the idea had absolutely nothing to do with Reagan and was meaningless. That absolutely fueled me to continue and expand the concept. I wanted to represent the immigrants of Reagan, they are the absolute heart and soul of the school.


     During the making of this project, I knew exactly the concept I wanted to go for. I learned how to mount and my craftsmanship when it comes to colored pencils improved greatly. My coloring of the Blue velvet flower was well colored, perfectly to successfully separate it from the concrete black background. Overall It was a success and my concept and execution were well done, but need some more development to be a great representation for my school.

ACT connection

  1. My inspiration, the blue velvet flower, was the backbone of my project. It appeared on my final piece and the concept reflected its meaning.

  2. The MPS organization's approach towards its work is to ensure its students work hard and finish their work successfully and succeed overall.

  3. MPS and IB wants their students and their organizations to grow and be the biggest brand they can be for their students.

  4. Reagan and Wisconsin have a history of growth and flowers tie well into that. The blue velvet is the flower of Milwaukee and Wisconsin and represents us well.

  5. I realized that Reagan will only grow from here and they take deep pride in their immigrant population.

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